Protecting your private life is important but even more so when you’re talking about same sex marriage…
When you’re just married and you want to share your wedding photos with your loved ones it’s important to carefully choose the service provider you’re going to use.
To avoid finding all your personal photos on Google images, it’s best to avoid traditional social networks or non-secured blogging platforms that don’t guarantee any protection of your private life, the rights to your images or to your data.
Publishing your wedding photos anywhere in view of sharing them with your loved ones poses a threat to your and your guests’ private life.
Same-sex marriage: creating a private space to share your wedding photos/videos
The desire to create a private space where you can share wedding photos is more and more common among young same sex couples, who, once the space crated, can share their joy in a unique and confidential way with the people of their choice.
The service that our platform offers provides a secure tool to create and manage your photo/video albums and easily customise the site’s graphic design.
Once the guest list is established (the number of guests is unlimited and they don’t need to register either) and their personal passwords attributed, you just need to create an album, upload the photos/videos and you can even leave comments.
It’s a secure service, with no advertising, easily customisable and very easy to use, whether it be for the newlyweds or for their guests. Private lives and its contents are guaranteed to be protected.
Many same sex families have already created their private space, so why don’t you?
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